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Help us continue to grow the Democratic Party in Southampton. Help us make local government work for you!

July 2024
Dear Southampton Town Resident,
It’s ALL HANDS ON DECK! GET INVOLVED! If you want to protect our democracy and freedoms, it’s time you got off the sidelines. DON’T JUST VOTE, JOIN! Democracy is not a spectator sport. As Andi Klausner wrote (see above), Democracy and our Freedoms are on the line in this coming General Election. Please visit to become part of something big!
If you believe in democracy, if you believe in all our freedoms, if you believe in the Constitution, if you believe that nobody is above the law, the Southampton Town Democrats are your strongest allies. You need our help to preserve what you value about Southampton, the nation and the planet and we need your help to do that.
So, please get involved NOW, JOIN US and help us elect John Avlon for Congress, Tommy John Schiavoni for NYS Assembly, Sarah Anker for NYS Senate and, of course, our presumptive presidential Democratic nominee, Vice President Kamala Harris.
Control of Congress runs right through NY-01 and Long Island. Please consider getting involved in.
Please contact me at and JOIN US in protecting and preserving our freedoms and democracy!
Thank you so much!
Kindest regards,
Gordon Herr, Chair
Southampton Town Democratic Committee
New York women cannot be complacent. We may be safe now but could lose our fundamental rights of privacy and choice after the next election. Don’t believe me? Read the Heritage Foundation’s “Project 2025” which will be instituted if Trump and Republicans control the government. This chilling document brags that “Dobbs was just the beginning” and that abortion will be outlawed in every jurisdiction in America – regardless of the reason. Vote like your life – or the life of someone you love – depends upon it. Because it just might. Vote on November 5th for John Avlon for Congress, Joe Biden for President, and the NY Equal Rights Amendment to preserve women’s reproductive freedom.
Andi Klausner, Vice Chair, Southampton Town Democratic Committee
New York women cannot be complacent. We may be safe now but could lose our fundamental rights of privacy and choice after the next election. Don’t believe me? Read the Heritage Foundation’s “Project 2025” which will be instituted if Trump and Republicans control the government. This chilling document brags that “Dobbs was just the beginning” and that abortion will be outlawed in every jurisdiction in America – regardless of the reason. Vote like your life – or the life of someone you love – depends upon it. Because it just might. Vote on November 5th for John Avlon for Congress, Joe Biden for President, and the NY Equal Rights Amendment to preserve women’s reproductive freedom.
Andi Klausner, Vice Chair, Southampton Town Democratic Committee
July 2024
Dear Southampton Town Resident,
It’s ALL HANDS ON DECK! GET INVOLVED! If you want to protect our democracy and freedoms, it’s time you got off the sidelines. DON’T JUST VOTE, JOIN! Democracy is not a spectator sport. As Andi Klausner wrote (see above), Democracy and our Freedoms are on the line in this coming General Election. Please visit to become part of something big!
If you believe in democracy, if you believe in all our freedoms, if you believe in the Constitution, if you believe that nobody is above the law, the Southampton Town Democrats are your strongest allies. You need our help to preserve what you value about Southampton, the nation and the planet and we need your help to do that.
So, please get involved NOW, JOIN US and help us elect John Avlon for Congress, Tommy John Schiavoni for NYS Assembly, Sarah Anker for NYS Senate and, of course, our presumptive presidential Democratic nominee, Vice President Kamala Harris.
Control of Congress runs right through NY-01 and Long Island. Please consider getting involved in.
Please contact me at and JOIN US in protecting and preserving our freedoms and democracy!
Thank you so much!
Kindest regards,
Gordon Herr, Chair
Southampton Town Democratic Committee