This is a naked appeal to your financial interest.
Your home in Southampton Town is a big investment, possibly your biggest. If you don’t vote here, you’re not protecting it. The best way to safeguard your investment is by registering and voting Democratic in Southampton.
First, there has been no significant increase in Southampton Town property tax for five years under the Democrats.
But that’s not all. Your home’s value depends entirely on a healthy environment and controlled development.
Our local Republicans, God bless ‘em, are good people, but their instinct, their reflexive bias, is toward business, and that means development. It’s just how they are.
Republicans and their friends have a history of promoting projects that aren’t always environmentally or aesthetically healthy for Southampton. Too often they destroy our open spaces, pollute our water, degrade our business districts, increase our traffic, and slash the value of our homes with unwise development around them.
It’s all about greed, and greed will kill your property’s value faster and surer than anything else.
Southampton Democrats have always stepped up to manage development and preserve our environment with targeted measures. These are a few:
Mecox Bay Water Quality Plan
Shinnecock Hills Building Moratorium
Bridgehampton Historic District
Rebuild North Sea and Dune Road Beaches
Building Code Enforcement Upgraded
Speonk, Tuckahoe, Westhampton and Sag Harbor parcels preserved.
And this is just a handful out of many actions Southampton Democrats have taken to protect your home’s value. But it won’t happen without your support.
Don’t Leave Your Home In A Precarious Position. Register And Vote Democratic In Southampton Town.