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We’re The Southampton Democrats And We’ll Tell You Things You Won’t Hear Anywhere Else.
Like what?  Like Local Matters.  That’s who we are, that’s what we do.  And Local Matters Matter, because this is what’s happening right where you live.
Look At It This Way If a bill requiring safer working conditions in your industry is before Congress, you care about that, obviously.  But if it snowed last night and your street hasn’t been plowed, you can’t even get to work this morning, safe working conditions or not.  Who plows?  Southampton Town, that’s who.
These Are The Things That Affect Our Lives Every Day, directly and intimately – roads, trees, sidewalks, zoning, water and air quality, public safety, waste disposal.  Some of it mirrors national issues, like immigrant conditions, police reform, relations with our Shinnecock neighbors, and protecting the environment, but the connection here is much closer.
Local Matters Matter To You And Your Family Like Nothing Else.  Say there’s a vacant four-acre parcel in your neighborhood.  If it stays undeveloped, you don’t want it to be a dumping area or a drug hangout.  If it gets developed, you want it to be compatible with the neighborhood, to maximize open space, to have adequate access and services, etc.  If any of this goes the wrong way, it could endanger your children or lower your home’s value, or both.
Who’s Responsible For All This?  Southampton Town, And That Means the Southampton Democrats.  In the last ten years, your Democratic Committee has taken our party from a negligible minority to the controlling force in Town government.  So if you want to get something done in Southampton, or if you want to know about something, or if you want to help the community, we’re the people to see.
There are plenty of sources for all the national and state issues, but When You Want Local, Come To Us.


About George Lynch
George Lynch is a fifth-generation Long Islander and a fifth-generation Democrat.  He and his wife Ursula live on Aspatuck Creek in Quiogue.  For much of his career as a tax lawyer, George represented New York City, defeating a number of high profile taxpayers in court, among them Donald Trump.
George joined the Southampton Town Democratic Committee in 2008 and became its Treasurer in 2009, but his forte is generating campaign material.  As Communications Chair, he has turned in countless lines of copy, organized a successful letter writing group and helped launch the Committee’s blog.  With others, George is now working on remaking and targeting the Democratic message for 2022 and beyond.  He loves the people and he loves the fray.